Tag Archives: green paper

Get Giving: the new face of public donations

Nana Wereko-Brobby, Editor,25

On this morning’s Today programme, Nick Hurd, minister for civil society, talked about new initiatives to get the public donating time and money to charities. After years of ‘flat-lining’, a white paper has been written that lays out innovative ways for people to reconsider the whole charitable giving process, highlighting ways in which they can integrate giving into their lives (without the inconvenience of having to scale a mountain or give up chocolate).

So what were these new ideas and can we envisage them working? First on the agenda was ‘cash machine giving’, where people could give to charity every time they use bank cards at cash machines or at shops. This scheme already works in Colombia.

The second scheme discussed was a ‘round-up-the-pound’ scheme. When paying for something with a credit or debit card, for example at the supermarket, you can round up the price to the nearest pound and the surplus goes to charity.

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